Integrative Therapy
Integrative Techniques, Gestalt, Familliar Constellations. Self-knowledge.
Just connect with yourSelf !
Providing excellent changes in Life Style.
Reconnect with Yourself, Women Community and Mother Earth. Healing old repetitive patterns, emotions such as sadness, rage and pain, which just need to be understood before they can be transformed.
This Transformative Experiential Workshop is recommended for women who are interested in improved Self Esteem, Holistic Health, Personal Development and Introspection or the Self-actualization Process. All supported by Healing Techniques, Essential Movements and Therapeutic exercises. This experiences are based on creating a safe environment, rooted on earth connection and psychological group support. We will work through the healing of memories and the expression of blocked energy through Breath Exercises, Movement Healing and Deep Self Expression, facilitating our healthy development.
This is about Real Women Empowerment. We all together !! All of the energy from deep therapeutic processes that arises in this work can be intentionally focused in the right direction to stimulate us towards our Purpose. Learning how to create our own daily rituals and our reality.
There is more than one path leading to life after life,
There is more than one path to love,
There is more than one path to find the other half of the self in an other human being,
There is more than one way to fight the enemy.
– A female Nootka –
Maria Pedraz with more than 11 years of experience in many different therapeutic processes, from social integration, to prisons and an extended experience in scientific research. Doctor of Psychopharmacology, Gestalt therapist (GATLA), specialist in New Family Constellations, integrates Western thought and ideas with knowledge from Native American communities, Moon Dancer and working with sacred plants and medicine. Through the integration of the native cosmovision of ancestral cultures and western systematic techniques, Maria holds a space for personal and group research on the evolution of consciousness while reconnecting with our ancestral wisdom.
FEMENINA has been held in California, New York City, Hamburg, Barcelona, and Kyrgyzstan. All with magnificent results !!
Self-Knowledge The Art of Living
FEMENINA Marzo 2021 Salinas Málaga
Rating Stars
Alba Espinosa
Femenina : BARCELONA 2019
Rating Stars
Cristina Aixalá
Femenina : HAMBURG 2018
Rating Stars
The truth is that FEMENINA WORKSHOP has helped me to get out of a circle of pain, jealousy and frustration that I was having a hard time getting out of. I feel more connected to myself. More with my essence ... I would like to thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, for me it was a big jump ... I am very glad to have met you, to have met everyone else there and to have been able to have this experience. Thank you very much Maria. I remember a was very emotional moment when we sat on our hands together all in a circle ... I will carry it with me forever
Elisabeth Ruiz Aura
Experiencial Workshop : MALAGA
Rating Stars
Throughout the time that has passed since that day, I have told many people about what I experienced and how surprising it seemed to me that I could enter such a "trip" only from a workshop, techniques such as Breathing, remembrance and a guide. It seemed to me something very powerful that allows us to release certain cystic emotions, become aware of the resistance to let go of our patterns, channel energies that are bigger than us, that we have even inherited and that overflow us. I realized that there are cultural behavioral patterns. Although deep down they all look a like because we are all human. It makes me laugh to remember it and I feel satisfaction and pride in thinking that many people are in this courageous process of facing everything that prevents us from growing and being happy. This experience is an important part of the path that leads to freedom, health and consciousness. Thanks Maria. #Experimentaelcambiospain
Laura Maillo
Femenina : MALAGA 2018
Rating Stars
It is a unique experience, of special union with other women who bring and make you feel their strength, and at the same time, an individual experience that opens a small window into yourself for you to look inside.
Carmen Campos
Graham Williams
Rating Stars
Maria helped me through an extremely difficult period in my life, and i am eternally grateful for her guidance and support!
Graham Williams
San Francisco California / Therapy
Online Therapy
Consultation or First Session
English | Spanish | Italian
- +34 685 831 868
- info@mariapedraz.com